Прошивка QUICKSHOT V3 by TheNitroTeam MINIX Neo X7

Куча разных изменений без перевода:
— KiTKaT!!
— Custom Kernel 1080p by default
— Built from sources
— Rooted
— Busybox updated
— All the google apps up to date.
— Added init.d support
— adb by tcp ( wifi or ethernet) by default
— Nano editor added
— Tcp tweaks added
— Minix Launcher MOD by NitroTeaM
— Dolphin as default browser. We did this because is the only one that supports flash in a usable way in kitkat. Remember to turn on the plugin, is disabled by default.
— Apps Preinstalled: EsFileExplorer, Mxplayer, Dolphin, Tincore Keymapper, Reboot, xbmc gotham, adblock, terminal emulator, Sony Walkman, ehomemediacenter, flash player hacked, etc… All the apps are installed as user so you can uninstall the ones you don’t like
— QuickFlasher and Keymapper from Tincore
— Support for some flymouse, f10, f10pro, i25..etc
— Setup Wizard added
— SmartTV sytle mouse pointer
— Minix Launcher modded by us
— TWRP recovery is automatically installed on first boot.
— Quickshot-Update system. This was introduced on V2 as an easy update method, you just need to copy the update files we provide under /sdcard or on your «real» sd-card and reboot.
— jcmcm66 XBMZ compiled by netguto with passtrough activates automatically and tematized by TNT.(We need a working libmedia.so yet)
— A ton of kernels, 1080p/720p with several different overclock values. Remember, Overclock can damage your system, you use this at your own risk. We do this all the time As a plus, if you flash a 720p kernel the «small icons» patch is applied automatically, and if you flash a 1080p kernel then «big icons» patch is applied. This works for both methods, quickshot-update and quickflasher.
— Some other Tweaks
— Clear ALL Button added to the tasks manager, you can see it on top right of the screen.
— xbox360 pad patch made by Casadroide from Androidpc.es
— NFS example script included under /system/etc/init.d , just edit to suit your needs and you will have your nfs shares mounted every boot.
Скачать прошивку QUICKSHOT V3 by TheNitroTeam MINIX Neo X7 — NEO_X7mini_20140614_011.zip
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Прошивка понравилась больше, чем 1.02 от Wasser — меньше багов. и активен пункт переноса на SD карту.