Прошивка для Tronsmart T428 Hybrid Firmware (HFW)

Новенькие прошивки для Tronsmart T428 (подходят и для Iconbit Toucan Stick G4 (Measy U4B)).
Описание на забугорном:
(some bugs may be present)
-all futures of 1.2.0
-firmware migration (!there might be some bugs due to hevy changes, please post your findings!)
-new shutdown menu
-power off working as it should
-new base firmware (latest minix firmware)
-fixed setting/firmwork-res strings
-screenshot button can be turned off/on in settings (!change location of screenshot to sdcard!)
-autohide statusbar option in settings>display
-new 720p kernel to prevent reboots (from «ugoos ut1»)
-«special» removed from HFW Settings, «Dev Settings» added insted
-alot fixes, tweaks etc.
(last ver based on stock k-r42 rom)
v1.2.0 Final
-spoofed as Galaxy SIII
-gamepad button on statusbar opens «Tincore Key Mapper» (you can play games like bad pieggies with mouse)
-build.prop tweaks
-gameloft fix
-2gb app space
-changed bootanimation
-deleted usles apps
-better webcam support (logitech webcams like c525 wasnt working before, now it works like a charm)
-bootsound suport (put any .mp3 into system/media and rename it to android_audio.mp3 it will be played at bootanimation screen.)
-auto install advancedsettings.xml for smooth 1080p videa playback in XBMC
-Default launcher option under HFW settings>Special (Chouse which launcher you want to use as default)
-nfs support
-init.d support
-added HFW version under settings>about device
-added some nice apps:
*ES Explorer (ver. before layaut change)
*Youtube for GTV 1.6 (due to login problems on 1.7.1)
-new settings (HFW Settings)
*Special (Conect to PC; Download XBMC)
*Performance (you can change CPU clocks)
*Equalizer (need some testing)
*SuperSU (now it wil show here insted of app drawer)
*Terminal (//-//-//-)
-unlocked hiden options:
-new modules:
*ntfs.ko added
*virtual touchscreen.ko (720p)
-some visual changes
-modules package [provided with the rom package]
-disabled hdmi check for apps like «Xfinity, HBO GO»
-new visual (system bar etc.)
-power button on system bar
-clean home screen from usles shourtcats and widgets
-new wallpaper
-ic_sysbar_highlight changed to cyan
-ic_sysbar_lights_out_dot changed to transparent (no dots on status bar when waching movie on mx player etc.)
-deleted search bar from home
Немного скриншотов:
Ну и собственно сама прошивка: kasty-tronsmart_t428-422-20130529_rooted5.zip
прошивки взяты с официальных сайтов производителя или из открытых источников